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Deepen your yoga practice

Pranayama, Asana, Philosophy

A  weekend 5 sessions workshop

15-17 May 2013

with Paul Dallaghan

A unique opportunity to learn and practice with Paul Dallaghan, one of few certified by  Sri Patthabi Jois and one of the few in the world who received the blessing of  Sri OP Tiwari to teach pranayama .

The workshop will focus on pranayama and asana , the strong bond between them, the interlacing of the two practices and how to deepen the personal practice through this connection. The workshop suits practitioners of all levels.

Pranayama – the exact science that is gentle art of working with the breath . Through the practice of pranayama will promote and deepen the practice of physical , mental , spiritual . You will leave the workshop with a new practice or refine and enhance the existing practice . Learn how to contain and put the practice session of breathing , meditation and mantras into the practice of asanas and into everyday life.

A look at the pranayama topic :

 – The philosophy of pranayama meditation path

 – Correct method and practice of uddiyana, agni sara and kapalabhati

– Preparatory practices that release tension built up in the abdomen/ throat/ jaw

–  Classical pranayama techniques

A look at the asana topics :

 – The key principles of alignment, integrity and energy

 –  Rooting , elongation and muscle support

 – Awareness and proper breathing to affect the internal energy

 – Bandhas, dristhis , vinyasa and ujjayi breathing

 – How to internalize the principles of universal asana

–  Ashtanga asana as the basis for leading the feasibility of all


13-16 advanced practice – asana (poses of the second series), basic pranayama, Q & A (teachings)

The art of vinyasa lies within the sun salutes. The keys of alignment and integrity can be found in the standing asanas. This can be more deeply applied in seated asanas. We will access the intelligence of asana practice so you can begin to apply into your already chosen approach of asana. Applying the intelligence of asana we will go through a selection of poses that come from the ashtanga second series.We will spend a little time on understanding the breath and learning how to connect with it. This will be followed by a discussion, brought to life by your questions with lively responses. Open questions on all topics, including hatha yoga, asana, pranayama, what is a spiritual practice and how does all this relate to daily life

We will conclude the day with some of the classical techniques of pranayama.


8-10:45 pranayama with mantra and meditative contemplation

Before a practice like pranayama can be explored the correction of breath and posture must be attended to. One of the most common irregular patterns today is incorrect and inefficient breathing with very little knowledge of how to correct it. This session will begin to explore this subject while highlighting the key factors necessary in a supportive sitting posture. We will then move into preparatory techniques with much explanation followed by practice of some of the basic pranayamas.Paul will personally check every student to ensure you are clear and understand the technique.

12:30-15:00 asana in details (poses of the primary series)

The key principles of asana will be explored to develop your posture to grow in sitting and pranayama practice as well as refine how you practice asana. Explore the integrity of asana while gaining an understanding to the purpose of asana in terms of the greater picture of yoga and self-development.Applying the intelligence of asana we will go through a selection of poses that come from the ashtanga first and second series.


8:30-11:30 pranayama and asana

Revealing the depth of the pranyama practice and exploring different pranayam techniques. taking a full ashtanga led class, asanas from primary series. having those two practices and exploring the inner growth of making them one.

11:45-13:45 philosophy and Q&A

Some clarity on what to continue at home for you as a personal pranayama practice, plus more on the philosophy and your questions.


                        Thursday        Single day    Two days   Full workshop

Regular           350NIS            600NIS           1000NIS      1100NIS

Until 28.2        250NIS            500NIS            800NIS         900NIS